13 Signs That You May Be ‘Bugged’

As technology becomes more compact, concealable, affordable, and readily available, the potential for those with nefarious intentions to eavesdrop on you and steal valuable intelligence is rising.  What was once the domain of government operatives, the ‘Spy’ devices available today are now easily accessible online.

Everyday situations that increase your susceptibility to being bugged include:


  • Involved in a lawsuit
  • Have plans to or have recently downsized
  • In a competitive industry that relies on insider knowledge (marketing, fashion, automotive, product development, medical, technology, advertising, etc.)
  • Involved in government affairs or politics

Personal affairs:

  • Filing or in the middle of a divorce
  • Involved in a custody battle (it is common for the children to have devices hidden in their things or on them during visits)
  • In the process of getting married
  • Filed an insurance claim
  • Is or previously was in a position of power or influence in business or politics
  • Is a minister or religious leader
  • Suspects the person eavesdropping is someone close to them who works in law enforcement, security, or the judicial system.

If you fall into one of the above categories and suspect that your personal matters or confidential business secrets have been discovered, or if someone seems to know too much about your activities, it’s advisable to seek a bug sweep or technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) inspection.

The most telling sign that you’ve been bugged is that people you have never disclosed information to seem to now know about your personal and business affairs.  If your company is involved, this may indicate that a competitor or vendor has obtained the internal information through electronic surveillance tactics. If you have bug-related concerns, we encourage you to contact TSS, as a bug sweep or technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) inspection is advisable. 

The most telling sign that you’ve been bugged is that you’ve noticed people you have never disclosed information to seem to now know about your personal and business affairs.  If your company is involved, this may indicate that a competitor or vendor has obtained the internal information through electronic surveillance tactics. If you have bug-related concerns, please get in touch with us for a free consultation at 719-301-3931 or complete the form on this page.

Clues Pointing To Possible “Bugging”

In the Home and Office

#1) Evidence of a break-in, but nothing was stolen

Even if there is no overt evidence, you notice something “seems off,” such as furniture or objects slightly moved, closets and drawers rummaged through, or dusty areas disturbed. Additionally, you may notice that a new object suddenly appears in your home after the break-in, such as clocks, signage, picture frames, tissue boxes, lamps, and radios.

#2) Wall fixtures have shifted slightly

Some popular hidden surveillance devices are designed to go inside or behind electrical outlets, light switches, smoke alarms, and lighting. Hidden camera lenses can be as small as the head of a screw, making them ideal to conceal in standard wall fixtures.

#3) A strange vehicle parked near the home or office frequently with no one inside

Devices transmitting the recordings via Wi-Fi or radio may require the eavesdropper to be stationed nearby. Service or delivery trucks are commonly used: if you see the same or similar vehicle more than three times, there may be an eavesdropper. Cars with black or tinted windows allow the perpetrator to conceal themselves in the back of the car to monitor the devices. Ladders or pipe racks on a vehicle can help hide an antenna or beacon.

#4) Common objects have a small hole or reflective surface

Many spy stores sell popular home and office products, such as lamps, clocks, tissue boxes, plant boxes, or exit signs, with a pre-installed camera or microphone containing a small hole or reflective spot to hold the camera lens.

In the Office

#5) Disturbed Ceiling Tiles

Ceiling tiles appear disturbed, discolored, or damaged, or ceiling dust is on the floor or furniture.  Above the ceiling tiles is a standard installation location for hidden electronic devices.

#6) Bump in a vinyl baseboard

A small bump or deformity in the vinyl baseboard along the floor indicates that someone may have hidden a wire or microphone behind it. Vinyl-style baseboards are more prevalent in offices than in homes.

#7) An unexpected gift arrived recently from a vendor

A common eavesdropping tactic is to acquire a device outfitted with a transmitter or to create a custom device using a gift as a concealment.

In Your Vehicle

#8) The car appears broken into, but nothing was taken

Something inside the vehicle seemed “off,” but nothing was stolen. You may have noticed that the seating was moved even though the car hasn’t been driven by anyone else. Items inside the vehicle may appear to have been moved or rummaged through, or there may be new items. This may have occurred multiple times, as the eavesdropper may need to retrieve a device to download the collected data or recharge the battery.

#9) Your car is taking longer to start, or the battery seems weak

Some tracking and eavesdropping devices are connected to the car battery, using the power source when the engine is off. While it may not completely drain the battery, it can cause the car to stutter a bit as the remaining power tries to start the engine. This is not as common now as devices have moved more towards using internal batteries, going into standby mode when movement or sound is not detected to conserve power.  Some devices have battery standby times as long as 30 days or more.  Using internal battery power also dramatically simplifies the placement of the device.

#10) Electronics in the car are behaving erratically

The electronics in the vehicle, including the radio and displays, are acting strange, which could result from interference from a covert surveillance device.

#11) Others seem to know your whereabouts

You have noticed that others seem to know too much about your travels and driving habits. Tracking devices can be attached to a car with something as simple and discreet as a strong magnet. Common areas include the undercarriage frame, in the engine compartment, behind the rear bumper, inside the dashboard, and behind license plates and exterior rear-view mirrors.

#12) You hear an intermittent “chirp” inside or around your vehicle

Apple AirTags are increasingly used by criminals to illegally track persons and vehicles for illicit purposes.  If the AirTag is away from the phone it’s paired to for an extended period, it will give off an occasional random chirp sound.

#13) You suspect you are being followed while driving

If a hidden microphone or camera is in the car, the suspect may need to stay within a specific range of the device to acquire the recordings.

Start Your Investigation

While this list is not exhaustive or definitive of indicators that you are bugged, it is enough to warrant further investigation. If you are experiencing any of the above-noted indicators, please get in touch with us at 719-301-3931 for a complimentary, confidential consultation.

About Technical Surveillance Solutions (TSS)

TSS is a company that specializes in providing Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services and training. The firm is based in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, Colorado, with personnel distributed throughout the United States prepared to travel on short notice. TSS comprises skilled professionals with vast experience in law enforcement and military backgrounds, accumulating over a century of combined expertise. This team includes retired military personnel, seasoned police officers, former members of the Seal Team, and Special Forces operatives specializing in national security. They possess knowledge in both offensive and defensive electronic surveillance tactics, providing insightful insights into protective and investigative countermeasures.

If you want to schedule a free consultation, please call 719-301-3931 or complete the form on this page.

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